How to Know If Your Business Needs Marketing Staff Augmentation

In the following article, we will discuss what marketing staff augmentation is and why your company needs it.

Marketer working from cafe
  • By Insite Editorial Team
  • Apr 08, 2024

What Is Marketing Staff Augmentation?

Staff Augmentation takes place when organizations hire external professionals to collaborate with their in-house team. This wide-ranging strategy allows companies to increase their team’s capacity and to find much-needed talent while saving time and money.

Benefits of Marketing Staff Augmentation

There are typically five reasons why you need to consider marketing staff augmentation instead of moving forward in the traditional way, i.e., putting your HR department to work on finding and onboarding the right specialists based on your company’s needs and goals.

Reduction of Staffing Costs

Staff augmentation saves your company time and money, locating the best candidates for your company quickly and effectively. Additionally, organizations get to reduce their operating costs because these contracts do not involve expenses related to benefits or training, among others.

Easy Talent Management and Control

When you expand your in-house team by means of staff augmentation companies, you are responsible for managing and controlling not only your projects but also your team members. You can easily assign tasks and activities based on the specific knowledge and skills of each member.

Flexible Workforce

In a fast-paced world, staff augmentation allows companies to expand or contract their teams based on their workload and other unforeseen changes. This alternative presents itself as a way of minimizing the risks of embarking on new challenges.

Fast Team Growth

Staff augmentation agencies take care of the onboarding and offboarding processes of team members. They are equipped to adapt quickly and fulfill your company’s requests and expectations, which basically means giving you the chance to scale up (and down) your marketing team almost instantly.

Availability of Specific Skilled Talents

If your company is looking to hire highly-skilled professionals, staff augmentation agencies can certainly ease this complex task. Counting on them translates into a more efficient company that can achieve better outcomes.

Does My Business Need Marketing Staff Augmentation?

Time is of the essence. We present five scenarios that indicate when your business should consider marketing staff augmentation.

When You Need Skilled Professionals with Certain Expertise

IStaff augmentation is a great alternative when you need qualified assistance to collaborate hand in hand with your in-house team, since you’re either working on a major project or requiring a distinct skill set.

When You Want to Compete in a New Field

Staff augmentation can make the difference when looking for the right person for the job turns into a challenging and stressful task, especially if you need expert talent straight away based on a new market or project.

When You Want Your Business to Scale Up

Staff augmentation is the right answer when you intend to bring together a new team that takes care of your company’s core tasks. This could be the case of a recently acquired customer or project that urges you to act almost right away.

When You Want a Client-Centric Approach

Staff augmentation agencies are all about the client. They will look into your requirements and expectations, and guarantee the best human assets you could possibly imagine.

When You Want to Work Worldwide

Staff augmentation agencies make sure that your company has access to high-quality specialists at a global scale. Geography is no longer a limitation, but rather a wide-open door to the worldwide talent pool.

Main Areas of Marketing for Staff Augmentation

Within the marketing field, the following are three main areas that can easily benefit from the staff augmentation strategy, mainly due to their remote nature.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing professionals, such as social media managers, SEO specialists, and copywriters are the perfect fit for this novel approach. They can provide new and creative solutions to reach your company’s goals and objectives.

Customer Support

Customer support staff, such as representatives or agents, can quickly alleviate the existing team workload and address your company’s demands.

Marketing Project Management

Hiring external Marketing Project Management professionals offers fresh perspectives to maximize your campaign’s results. They are trained professionals that focus on delivering projects successfully, mitigating risks, and providing expert advice.

The Importance of Marketing Staff Augmentation

Marketing staff augmentation is the smart alternative for businesses looking to hire expert knowledge and to increase their work capacity for specific purposes. This strategy, based on a personalized approach, gives your organization control over your entire team and your projects while saving time and money.

Final Conclusion

Staff augmentation can definitely help your business thrive. However, you should assess your company’s goals and needs to make the right choice and stay ahead of the competition.

Ready to grow your marketing team? Contact us for the perfect fit and drive success!